
Δεν είναι φοβερό που όπως και στην Ελλάδα, ο Δεκαπενταύγουστος είναι αργία και στην μακρινή Ινδία; Εδω γιορτάζουμε λοιπόν σήμερα την Ανεξαρτησία της Ινδίας απο την αγγλική κυριαρχία.
Είναι μεγάλη γιορτή και το χαρακτηριστικό έθιμο είναι να πετάνε χαρταετο για να συμβολίζουν την ελευθερία τους. Όμορφο ε;
Κατα τα αλλα, τα πράγματα βαίνουν σχετικά καλα. Η σκληρή δουλεια συνεχίζεται καθώς πλέον θεωρω ότι δεν έχω κι άλλη επιλογη για την ώρα. Νιώθω αρκετα εξαντλημενη συχνα, αλλα ευτυχώς η πολυτιμη βοήθεια και παρέα του Θοδωρη διευκολύνει τα πάντα. Μεγάλο πρόβλημα πλέον είναι οι φλέβες μου, που καθώς είναι λεπτές και μη ορατές εύκολα, δυσκολεύουν πολυ τη χορήγηση ενδοφλεβιων φαρμάκων και βλαστοκυτταρων σχεδόν καθημερινά. Έχω γεμίσει μελανιες και ποναω. Οι γιατροι μου πρότειναν να βάλω κεντρική γραμμή (port ή picc line), ώστε να σταματήσουν τα τρυπηματα μιας και έχουμε ακόμα 3 μήνες μπροστα μας. Θα γίνει σε μεγάλο κεντρικό νοσοκομείο στο Ν. Δελχι.Δεν ξέρω αν θα το κάνω, είναι το κόστος και να πω την αλήθεια φοβάμαι κιόλας. Θα δούμε. Εξάλλου αν δε βρεθούν και τα χρήματα που λείπουν για να εξοφληθεί η κλινικη εδω, μάλλον θα χρειαστει να επιστρέψω Ελλάδα πολυ σύντομα. Ελπίζω να βρεθούν, η οικογένεια μου κάνει τα πάντα και πιστεύω θα τα καταφέρουμε. Αισιοδοξια.
Με ρωτάτε πολλοι πως πάω, αν έχω βελτίωση κλπ. Όσο κι αν με απογοητεύει και με στεναχωρεί, υπενθυμίζω (πρώτα απ´ολους σε μένα),ότι ο στόχος των γιατρών ακόμα είναι να με σταθεροποιησουν. Να μη χειροτερευω. Μικρές βελτιώσεις σε κάποια σημεία είναι ορατές και στο πρόσφατο SPECT scan, αλλα και κυρίως στην κλινικη μου εικόνα. Σε κάποια αλλα όμως έχουμε ακόμα μικρη επιδείνωση. Που σημαίνει φυσικα ότι πρέπει να συνεχίσω. Για πόσο; Για όσο χρειαστει, για όσο αντέχω, για όσο μπορω; Μέχρι να βρεθεί κάποια άλλη θεραπεια; Μέχρι να πεθάνω; Δεν ξέρω, το μέλλον θα δείξει. Αισιοδοξια είπαμε.
Με ρωτάτε επίσης τι έγινε μετα την ανάρτηση της 11/7/2012, ποσα χρήματα μαζεύτηκαν, γιατι δεν ενημέρωσα όπως είχα πει... Αποφάσισα να μην το συνεχίσω μιας και δυστυχώς δεν υπήρξε ιδιαίτερη ανταπόκριση, ελάχιστη θα έλεγα. Προσπαθω να μαζεψω τα χρήματα και εκτός διαδικτυου, αν κανεις έχει κάποια επιπλέον ιδέα πανω σ´αυτο, περιμένω μήνυμα.
Σας φιλω για την ώρα και εύχομαι σε ολους όσους γιορτάζουν σήμερα ο,τι καλύτερο... Υγεία δηλαδη. Και αισιοδοξία!
Isn’t it amazing that as in Greece the 25th August is also a holiday in faraway India. Here we are celebrating India’s independence from English colonial rule. It’s a big celebration and the characteristic tradition is to fly kites, thus symbolizing their freedom. Beautiful huh?
As far as everything else is concerned, thing are going fairly well. The hard work continues seeing that I now believe I have no other option for now. I feel quite exhausted often but luckily Thodoris’ invaluable help and companionship make things easier. My veins have become a big problem due to the fact that they are extremely thin and often invisible, making the administration of intravenous medication and stem cells very difficult on a daily basis. I’m full of bruises and in pain. The doctors suggested I put in a central line (port of picc line) so that I can stop the daily puncturing seeing that we have 3 months ahead of us. This would be done at a large central hospital in New Delhi. I don’t know if I’m going to go through with it, firstly due to the cost and to tell you the truth I’m also a bit scared. We’ll see. In any event if I don’t come up with the money to pay off the debts to the clinic here, I’ll probably need to return to Greece very soon. I hope we find it, my family is doing everything in their power and I believe we will make it. Optimism.
Many of you ask how I’m doing and if I’ve improved etc. As much as it disappoints and saddens me, I remind you (and first and foremost myself) that the main aim of the doctors is to stabilize my condition. So that I don’t get worse. There are some very small visible improvements in some areas as well as in my recent SPECT scan while in others there is some deterioration. Which means of course that I have to continue with the treatment. For how long? For as long as it takes? For as long as I can? Until I find another kind of treatment? Until I die? I don’t know! The future will tell, as we said, optimism!
You’ve also been asking what happened after my post on the 11/7/2012, How much money was raised and why I hadn’t kept you updated as I said I would…. I decided not to continue along those lines because the response was minimal to non-existent. I’m also trying to raise the money from sources independent of the Internet, so if anyone has any other ideas along these lines, I expect a message.
I kiss you for now and I wish all those celebrating today all the best….In other words Health and optimism! :-)
Isn’t it amazing that as in Greece the 25th August is also a holiday in faraway India. Here we are celebrating India’s independence from English colonial rule. It’s a big celebration and the characteristic tradition is to fly kites, thus symbolizing their freedom. Beautiful huh?
As far as everything else is concerned, thing are going fairly well. The hard work continues seeing that I now believe I have no other option for now. I feel quite exhausted often but luckily Thodoris’ invaluable help and companionship make things easier. My veins have become a big problem due to the fact that they are extremely thin and often invisible, making the administration of intravenous medication and stem cells very difficult on a daily basis. I’m full of bruises and in pain. The doctors suggested I put in a central line (port of picc line) so that I can stop the daily puncturing seeing that we have 3 months ahead of us. This would be done at a large central hospital in New Delhi. I don’t know if I’m going to go through with it, firstly due to the cost and to tell you the truth I’m also a bit scared. We’ll see. In any event if I don’t come up with the money to pay off the debts to the clinic here, I’ll probably need to return to Greece very soon. I hope we find it, my family is doing everything in their power and I believe we will make it. Optimism.
Many of you ask how I’m doing and if I’ve improved etc. As much as it disappoints and saddens me, I remind you (and first and foremost myself) that the main aim of the doctors is to stabilize my condition. So that I don’t get worse. There are some very small visible improvements in some areas as well as in my recent SPECT scan while in others there is some deterioration. Which means of course that I have to continue with the treatment. For how long? For as long as it takes? For as long as I can? Until I find another kind of treatment? Until I die? I don’t know! The future will tell, as we said, optimism!
You’ve also been asking what happened after my post on the 11/7/2012, How much money was raised and why I hadn’t kept you updated as I said I would…. I decided not to continue along those lines because the response was minimal to non-existent. I’m also trying to raise the money from sources independent of the Internet, so if anyone has any other ideas along these lines, I expect a message.
I kiss you for now and I wish all those celebrating today all the best….In other words Health and optimism! :-)
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